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About All Hands Beach

Sometime in 1956, All Hands Beach was one of the swimming areas of the United States Navy, together with Dungaree Beach and Officer's Beach, when they operated their U.S Naval AIR STATION here at Subic Bay


The name comes from the Navy term '' all hands on deck". This means everyone on deck, all ranks on deck, or everybody on deck. 

Get in touch with us: 

Landline: (047) 250 2270

Globe: 0917 457 3978 /0917 880 0401
            0917 104 6881 /0917 130 8799
Smart : 0998 545 1179



San Bernardo Road, Subic Bay Freeport Zone 

This Establishment

is accredited and recognized by the Department of Tourism of the Philippines.

© 2018 All Hands Beach - Brighterday 

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